Ensuring Your Child Gets Enough Sleep
Sleep is an absolute necessity for children. Of course, everyone needs sleep to function, but it plays an even more integral role for kids. For those children who suffer from sleep deprivation, the consequences can lead to lifelong health problems. Not only does the...
Family Meals as a Bonding Experience
Having a family dinner together at night is important for bonding as a family and child development. Family dinner conversations allow children an opportunity to practice much-needed social and communication skills. Studies actually show that kids who regularly have...
Helping Your Child Adjust to a New School
One of the most challenging aspects of moving for a child is the thought of going to a new school. Meeting new friends and adjusting to a new teacher and classroom rules can be overwhelming for a child. You can help your child have a smooth transition and adapt to...
Effects of Screen Time on Children
Certain studies indicate that youngsters may spend up to nine hours each day playing video games or watching TV. Studies performed by health care providers and education specialists determined that excessive exposure to media devices has a detrimental effect on...
Benefits & Importance of STEM Education
STEM studies are a high topic in educational circles right now. Standing for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, it's both a broad branch of study and an important one. STEM workers generally earn a quarter more than the average worker, which will only...
A Parent’s Guide to Making Math Fun
As parents, we want our children to succeed in school because we know that academic success will open doors for them in the future. We are the first teachers our children have. When it comes to our children's attitudes toward learning, we help set the stage. As kids...
Making Online Learning Work for Your Family
As schools begin to publish their plans for returning to school during the pandemic, many parents are finding themselves making decisions about where and how their children will be educated. Most parents have found that none of the options are ideal, and all will...
Experts Weigh In on Return to School Debate
As many parents and school officials begin thinking about how or even whether to reopen schools in the fall, many experts have been weighing in on the topic. While most seem to be in agreement that there are certainly public health risks to reopening schools in the...
The Power of Outdoor Play
Let’s face it; many of our kids have been cooped up during the pandemic. Out of caution, some parents may have limited outdoor activities. Parks, pools, beaches, and other recreational spaces have been closed. Even before the pandemic, we know that most children...
What Will Be the “New Normal” This Fall?
As the school year winds down and the summer begins, many parents are looking ahead to the fall with trepidation and uncertainty. What will schools look like in the fall? Will schools be able to enforce social distancing guidelines? So many questions, and quite...