Starting school is an exciting milestone in a child’s life, but it can also bring anxiety and uncertainty. As parents, we play a crucial role in preparing our children for this new chapter. By following expert advice and implementing effective strategies, we can ensure that our children have a smooth transition and a positive experience in their first year of school.

Visit the School and Meet the Teachers

Familiarize your child with their new environment by visiting the school before the academic year begins. Take a tour of the building, including classrooms, play areas, and the cafeteria. If possible, arrange a meeting with their teacher(s) to establish a connection and introduce your child. This will help alleviate any anxiety and create a sense of familiarity.

Establish a Routine

Establishing a consistent routine before school starts can ease the transition. Set regular waking up and bedtime schedules to ensure your child gets enough sleep. Plan and practice morning routines, including dressing, eating breakfast, and packing school bags. Consistency and predictability will provide stability and prepare your child for the daily routine of school life.

Develop Independence Skills

Encourage your child to develop independence skills that they will need at school. Teach them how to dress themselves, use the restroom independently, and open lunch containers. Practice activities such as zipping up backpacks and tying shoelaces. Building these skills will boost their confidence and enable them to handle basic tasks without assistance.

Read Books About Starting School

Reading books about starting school can help familiarize your child with the concept and alleviate anxiety. Choose age-appropriate books that explore the excitement and challenges of school life. Discuss the characters’ experiences and address your child’s questions or concerns. This will help them develop a positive attitude towards school.

Promote Social Skills

Social skills are crucial for building friendships and navigating the school environment. Encourage your child to engage in playdates or group activities to develop social skills. Teach them to introduce themselves, take turns, and share with others. Role-play common social situations to help them practice appropriate behaviors and problem-solving.

Talk About Feelings

Starting school can evoke a range of emotions in children. Create an open and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their feelings. Discuss any worries or concerns they may have and provide reassurance. Emphasize that it is normal to feel excitement and nervousness and that their feelings will be acknowledged and supported.

Visit the School Together

Take your child to the school a few days before their first day. Show them where their classroom is, the playground and other essential areas are located. This will help them become more familiar with the surroundings and feel more at ease when they start.

Dr. Edward S. Thalheimer is the President and Founder of The Tutoring Center® Franchise Corp. For our part, we here at The Tutoring Center® are continuing to provide one-to-one instruction combined with The Rotational Approach to Learning® to prevent children from slipping through the cracks academically. Our programs help children achieve long-term success, build concentration and focus, and, with our outstanding instructors, find the love of learning. Don’t let your child fall behind this school year. If you’re interested in learning more, or you are interested in opening The Tutoring Center® in your community and joining a team of more than 120 franchise locations nationwide, please visit our website at