by dredwardthalheimer | Oct 4, 2022 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center, Uncategorized
The goal of social media is to connect with people, but it can also be very unsettling for parents when it comes to their kids’ online activities. You can take various steps to protect your kids from getting exposed to harmful content, such as setting up a...
by dredwardthalheimer | May 11, 2022 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
If your child has reading challenges, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure where to turn for help. It’s important to remember that you are not alone – many children struggle with reading at some point during their education. Strategies to help your...
by dredwardthalheimer | Mar 30, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer
For many students, knowing how to study effectively, how to process the material presented in the classroom, and knowing how to apply knowledge in new contexts is a challenging task. While most parents of struggling students believe that their children will set...
by dredwardthalheimer | Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting
Many children have ADHD and other learning disabilities. These children need to find school services and support services that cater to their unique needs. These children’s needs and education rights are well stated in the IDEA. IDEA stands for Individuals with...
by dredwardthalheimer | Feb 10, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Rotating between different teachers, different classes, and dealing with peers can cause moments of mild anxiety for most students. Most students can overcome these anxieties, and many enjoy the social aspects of school. However, for some students, the anxiety can...