by dredwardthalheimer | Oct 20, 2020 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Certain studies indicate that youngsters may spend up to nine hours each day playing video games or watching TV. Studies performed by health care providers and education specialists determined that excessive exposure to media devices has a detrimental effect on...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 16, 2020 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
As parents, we want our children to succeed in school because we know that academic success will open doors for them in the future. We are the first teachers our children have. When it comes to our children’s attitudes toward learning, we help set the stage. As...
by dredwardthalheimer | Jul 8, 2020 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Let’s face it; many of our kids have been cooped up during the pandemic. Out of caution, some parents may have limited outdoor activities. Parks, pools, beaches, and other recreational spaces have been closed. Even before the pandemic, we know that most children...
by dredwardthalheimer | Mar 3, 2020 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting
In recent weeks, many individuals in the U.S. have been wondering what will happen if the new COVID-19 spreads to their communities. Should people continue to attend large public gatherings? Will schools be closing? Should they? While initial reports indicate that...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 1, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting
As adults, our world is full of stressors; however, whether we realize it or not, the same is true for our children. Some stress we experience is positive stress, also known as eustress. Eustress motivates us to do our best, accomplish our goals, and allows us to...