by dredwardthalheimer | Feb 10, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Rotating between different teachers, different classes, and dealing with peers can cause moments of mild anxiety for most students. Most students can overcome these anxieties, and many enjoy the social aspects of school. However, for some students, the anxiety can...
by dredwardthalheimer | Jun 15, 2020 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
As the school year winds down and the summer begins, many parents are looking ahead to the fall with trepidation and uncertainty. What will schools look like in the fall? Will schools be able to enforce social distancing guidelines? So many questions, and quite...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 17, 2019 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting
The start of each school year is a time for new beginnings. Hopefully, the summer has been fun and relaxing for everyone, but now it’s time to gear up for academic success. The entire family is affected by this change in scheduling and routine, so it’s...