by dredwardthalheimer | Oct 19, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Every parent wants their kids to do well in school. Getting good grades gives kids confidence and a passion for learning to set them up for success later in life. Unfortunately, schoolwork does not come easy to a lot of kids. These kids need a little extra guidance...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 17, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Especially if you have younger children, your family may need some help getting back to a normal school routine after a long summer. One of the most important ways you can do this is to establish firm rules for going to bed and waking in the morning. Even on weekends,...
by dredwardthalheimer | Sep 17, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
As every parent knows, getting kids excited about a new school year isn’t always an easy process. But cultivating an atmosphere of joy around the start of the school year can have truly momentous effects on a child’s concept of education. As we develop new...
by dredwardthalheimer | Aug 10, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, The Tutoring Center
Summer is a fun time for kids; they get to play outside, go swimming, and even participate in activities such as camping, hiking, and surfing with friends. However, it is essential to make sure kids stay on top of their studies even during vacation time, so they do...
by dredwardthalheimer | Jul 19, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Learning is not specific to one season. School might be out for a few weeks, but that does not mean that your children will stop experiencing things to prepare them for the real world. Summer is a great time to teach your children through fun, engaging...
by dredwardthalheimer | Jul 16, 2021 | Blog, Dr. Edward Thalheimer, Parenting, The Tutoring Center
Keeping reading and writing skills sharp over the summer is an important part of a child’s overall academic success. Help prevent the summer slide with these reading and writing tips. 1. Get the whole family involved. Kids are more apt to be...